Jason Fantl

Collision Avoidance

When you’re walking through a large crowd, how do you avoid colliding with everyone else? You aren’t communicating with each other, and you aren’t being directed by a central director, so how does ...

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Firefly Synchronization

Fireflies There exists a somewhat magical phenomenon in nature where a swarm of fireflies will begin flashing in synchrony. Let’s recreate that behavior in simulation! “Fireflies” Starting si...

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Infering Physical Topology from Logical

Problem Statement We have a bunch of small identical radios with LEDs, and we want to animate them as if they were one giant screen. This means we need to know the physical location of each radio r...

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Dynamic Decentralized Cluster Identification

Problem Statement Today we create a scalable dynamic decentralized cluster identification protocol. An example to explain: We have a large number of drones (colored circles) that can communicate...

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Thinking About Color Perception

Where is brown on the color spectrum? It seems the rainbow left a color out. Why is that? Light has a single variable, frequency. If you only looked at a single photon at a time then the only poss...

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Molecule-Inspired Simulations

Water is wild, let’s see if we can recreate any of its properties from simulations at the “molecular” level. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this isn’t some complicated fluid simulation, nor ...

Simulated Economy (8)

Population dynamics Let us take a detour into the world of ecology, specifically, population dynamics. Ecosystems share that spirit of emergence that we’ve experienced in our simulated economy so f...

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Simulated Economy (7)

Scaling Up Currently, the economies are restricted to a single computer, but if we had trade routes that could travel over the internet, then we could have economies in literal different parts of t...

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Shamir's Secret Sharing in Go

Concept Imagine you have a secret that you want to distribute among some friends, but no individual should know the secret, they must all come together to re-create the secret. How might we do this...

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Walking in Non-Euclidean Worlds

What would it look like to walk in a universe where geometry is broken? We will be able to bend space, shrink it, and connect it in strange ways. First, let’s discover that non-euclidean universes ...

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