Jason Fantl

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (6)

This will be a list of interesting modifications you can make to the code in response to some security concerns. A quick overview of public keys A person can generate a pair of keys, a priva...

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (5)

Concept The first thing we should do is create an identity for each user, that way people know who the messages are coming from (this is separate from NodeID, but had we not hidden NodeID under abs...

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (4)

Concept Keeping track of all the code in your head can become very difficult very quickly. Let us abstract away everything our flood fill network is doing, and just make it easy to build on top of....

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (3)

Concept In order to build a robust network, each node will need to have multiple connections spread through the network. Below we see a network where one connection breaks and the network splits in...

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (2)

Concept Time to add flood filling to the network! So how will this work? Well, when a node wants to send a message, their only option is to send it out to all their connected nodes, which of course...

Peer to Peer Chat Network in Go (1)

Concept Overview We want a network that doesn’t have a single point of failure, that can grow and shrink, a network where the users are themselves the architecture, where we depend on nothing but ...

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